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Diamond C Engineered Beam Trailers for Sale
Diamond C Engineered Beam Trailers are in stock and ready to sell!

Diamond C makes several models of their trailers with an Engineered Beam frame. This means that the trailer frame has an upward arch to the frame to keep the frame from sagging under heavy loads. Diamond C makes these beams custom for each model to maximize strength to weight ratios for their trailer frames.

Diamond C makes the following trailers with an Engineered Beam Frame: Fleetneck gooseneck (FMAX), Deckover Tandem Dual Dump (WDT), 20K Equipment trailer (LPX210), and the 20K Lo-Pro Dump Trailer (LPD210).

The new Fleetneck Engineered Beam showcases Diamond C innovation. This heavy equipment trailer is taller, lighter, and stronger than other I-Beam trailers. It is optimized end-to-end including an arch in the middle to help from sagging. These tandem-dual gooseneck weights can be reduced by 300-1000+ pounds all the while being able to handle a higher payload. If you have any questions about these trailers, please give us a call!

Check out our online trailer pricing tool for the Diamond C Fleetneck Gooseneck trailers! Price and order your trailer right here! 10% discount on all online orders for Diamond C Gooseneck Trailers! Discount is automatically applied in the configured price.

 We stock over 25 Diamond C engineered beam trailers including flatbed, dump, gooseneck, and equipment trailers. 

If you have any questions, give us a call or stop by our Carterville, IL or Mount Vernon, IL stores to talk to a trailer specialist!

Diamond C Engineered Beam Trailers for Sale


Our Price: $18,014.00
Cash Price: $16,980.00
In Stock
Our Price: $18,537.00
Cash Price: $17,650.00
In Stock
Our Price: $19,674.00
Cash Price: $18,790.00
In Stock
Our Price: $19,937.00
Cash Price: $17,995.00
In Stock
Our Price: $20,396.00
Cash Price: $19,376.00
In Stock
Our Price: $20,940.00
Cash Price: $18,995.00
In Stock